I'm in love with the Coconut!
When customers meet me, I always get the same question, "What is your favorite scent?" Well, my favorite anything has something to do with coconut. Something about the scent of freshly grated coconut that just makes me happy. So naturally when I started to make soap, coconut soap was one of my first.

I am sure it makes quite a delicious drink but, no self respecting soap maker would pass up the opportunity to use such a magnificently pure ingredient in their soap. Ingesting it would just be criminal. Coconut milk soap has the creamiest lather, loads of bubbles and makes your skin feel soft, like you have soaked in a tub of milk for hours. I could go on and on about the benefits of coconut but, this is one of life pleasures that I would rather just enjoy and bask in the luxuriousness of it. If you haven't yet had the opportunity to try coconut milk soap, you are missing out on something really special.
Be adventurous...want to make your own Coconut milk. Here is a great tutorial.
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